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Rabbi Astrachan is available for all Jewish Life Cycle Rituals

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Jewish star using purple crayon

Jewish Life Cycle Rituals Celebrate Jewish Life

Baby Namings

"Through the act of naming, we affirm the deep connection between our faith and our future, passing down our values and heritage to the next generation with love and hope."

(Rabbi Rachel Cowan)

A baby naming ritual allows you to celebrate your Jewish cultural and religious heritage, fostering a sense of belonging and continuity in your family's traditions.

Bar/Bat Mitzvah

"In the B'nei Mitzvah ceremony, we witness the blossoming of young souls into responsible individuals, as they take their place in the chain of tradition, carrying forward the torch of our faith with love and dedication."

(Rabbi Abraham Joshua Heschel)

A Bar/Bat Mitzvah ceremony marks the coming of age and spiritual maturity of a Jewish child, providing an opportunity for you, as Jewish parents, to instill a strong sense of Jewish identity and commitment to faith and community in your child.

Hebrew Tutoring

Private Hebrew lessons with an ordained rabbi provide a very special opportunity for students to learn from a trained, experienced professional with the ability to help your child master their assigned Bar/Bat Mitzvah material AND SO MUCH MORE!

End of Life

"In death, we honor the life lived, and in gathering for an unveiling, we honor the love that continues to live in our hearts."

(Rabbi Jonathan Sacks, z”l)

A Jewish funeral offers comfort to grieving family members, friends, and the community by honoring the deceased in accordance with our traditions and our faith. Mourners are able to share their grief together, promoting healing and strength.

Adult Hebrew

Learn to read Hebrew as an adult.

This wonderful program will help you connect to prayer and synagogue life in a whole new way.

Stop memorizing the prayers and start learning to read them.

This step-by-step guided program will take from Aleph to Tav, conquer the decoding skills, and take you to a place of reading Hebrew with confidence.

Vow Renewals

"In the renewal of vows, we bear witness to the enduring flame of love, reignited with devotion and shared values, reminding us that our hearts are forever intertwined on this sacred path."

(Rabbi Sharon Brous)

A Jewish vow renewal ceremony will allow you to reaffirm your lifelong commitment to each other, celebrating the enduring strength of your love and the shared values that continue to bind your lives together.